
Homemade Pretzels!

Who doesn't love big soft pretzels?? I have been wanting to make my own for quite some time now, so I gave it a shot tonight.  I figured it would be a good dinner :) and a great little snack to bring camping with us for the next few days.

I got the recipe from this link: Pretzel Recipe  but I halved everything (my pretzels are also half as big), topped with sea salt before baking rather than kosher salt, and found that my batter needed more water than recommended.

They came out 1,000 times better than I expected!! I guess I expected them to taste like biscuits in a shape of a pretzel, which still would have been OK with me because I love any sort of bread product, but these really do taste like pretzels you could buy at a ball game.  Plus, they have no butter, milk, or eggs, and hardly any sugar and salt.  

This is one recipe I will definitely be writing down for future use.  It was so easy and they came out perfectly!  Here is a photo of my pretzels:



  1. Yummy! I want to make these but fear that my love for bread would cause me to consume all of these at once hahaha


  2. lol, there is indeed temptation to gobble them all up at once. They are soo delicious!! You should try it! :) Maybe you can fourth the recipe ;)
