
Insanity Day 14

Hello, Day 14 of Insanity...
The more I've been working out, the more energy I've had.  I still haven't skipped any workouts, and I've even added a few of my own workouts here and there.

On Friday I did Insanity right after I got off work!  Usually on a Friday I  would have been so wiped out from the week, I would have just gone home and sat around.  However, after my Insanity workout, on a whim, I decided to go run at Capitol Lake.  Marathons and 5Ks are frequently done at this lake... 2 laps around equals 5K.  The last time I ran at the lake, a couple of months ago, I could only run 1 lap and had to stop and rest for awhile.  This time I made it my goal to run 2 complete laps without walking or stopping.  Guess what?! I did it!! I ran my first 5K straight!  The furthest I had ever run straight before this was 3 miles, but it was on a treadmill!   Treadmills are SO much easier than running outside.  I am so proud of myself for being able to run 5K.  I didn't have a timer on me, but I estimate it took 25-30 minutes.

Yesterday, I had the energy to go kayaking for 3 hours.  The grandmother (and classroom volunteer) of one of my students invited me and Collin out to have lunch and let us take out their kayaks.  They're so generous!! They have a beautiful home and live in an ideal place in Olympia: Boston Harbor.... where we discovered it costs $300,000 just to get 1 acre of land.  Most of the time we stayed near the beach, but on our way back we had to cut across some open water... and boy, was the water choppy!  It was pretty fun to hit the waves head-on and have water spraying all over the front of my kayak... I almost felt like I was kayaking down rapids :)  The only mistake I made in kayaking was failing to put sunscreen on my legs, so my legs are pretty upset with me today.  I didn't realize I'd be using a sit-on-top kayak.  Here are a couple pictures from the day:

So anyway, I need to get back to Insanity.  In photos I can't really tell a difference in my body tone and shape, but in real life I notice parts of my body are getting more toned... mainly my legs and my abs.  Here's a comparison of me before Insanity, 1 week into Insanity, and 2 weeks into Insanity (current):

I almost seem to have looked better last week than this week. LOL... Oh well.  I know my endurance is increasing, because I had to take the fit test again.  I improved in every area!
Also, I lost a few pounds, lost fat, and gained muscle!  Woohoo!

See ya again next week!  I am one-fourth of the way through the program! Several reviews say you see more results during the second half of the program, as you start doubling-up workouts.  Let's hope this is true!


  1. Yay for nice people letting you guys use their kayaks....how awesome! So want to go kayaking soon!

    Wooo for sticking with insanity....it is fun following your weekly results :)

  2. Thanks Lizzie! It's helpful to know that there are at least a couple people tracking my progress.. then I hold myself more accountable. Sadly, I probably wouldn't be dedicated if I were just doing it for myself. Thanks for the comment :)

  3. Nicely done! I like the fit test so you don't have to rely on scales!
