
Seattle Parks (and some amazing friendships)

During my time here in Seattle, I have grown quite fond of Lincoln Park, which is in West Seattle.  I usually walk down there in about 20 minutes and get to tackle the 367 stairs back up to the top of the hill in returning home.  I enjoy the beautiful view of the water and fit in a mini-workout.  Here are some pics taken at Lincoln Park.
My great friend Allie, or Alberto as I like to call her.  Alberto, I'm so glad we met up a couple times while I was living up here.  I have no other friend that is quite like you.  Your sense of humor is one of a kind!  Love you BBP!
This is the closest I've come to feeling like I'm on a tropical beach!

Love the view from here.

I was also introduced to a new park by my friend Liz, called Carkeek Park in North Seattle.  It has walking trails, beach access, picnic tables, grass fields, and bubble entertainers. :)

We were more fascinated by these ginormous bubbles than any of the kids were.  We were not very happy with all of the kids who would run up and pop them.  Silly kids.

Posing with a bubble!

Lizziedonutface, you're an amazing friend!  Even though we have both changed a ton since 7th grade, we haven't lost that connection!  Love you tons!  You make my abs hurt from laughing all the time :)

More than the beaches, I love the friendships I have strengthened while here in Seattle with Liz & Allie... on top of strengthening those friendships, I am quite fond of the new friends I have made in the Summer Physics Institute.  They will be what keeps me coming back to the UW in future summers.  Alecia, Jason, Jason, Bailey, Holly, Sara... you are all fantastic, supportive, intelligent, and accepting friends and I know our friendships won't stop at the end of this quarter.  You made my summer experience of classes tons better than I was expecting!! =]


  1. hahaha you make my abs hurt from laughter too...so much fun bearclaw!

    Glad you enjoyed your time here :D

  2. It has been so nice getting to know you! You have kept Physics fun, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner. I can tell just by your passion and creativity that you are a great teacher, and I can't wait to hear more about your adventures in the 4th grade - perhaps even borrow some of your great ideas...I really want to stay in touch, so keep me posted on all of your upcoming stair climbs in the area, and we will let you know when we are headed down your way! Thanks for sharing your blog with us!
