
Insanity Day 1

Now that stair climbing season is over for a few months, I am taking on my next challenge.... to complete the Insanity workout program.  My goal is to tone up and to be committed by working out and pushing myself 100% each and every one of the 60 days.  I would love to see a dramatic change in my body fat and muscle composition.  After reviewing people's transformation stories, it seems that not a whole lot of weight is lost through this program, but fat is lost and muscle is gained.  Even so, I'm hoping to lose about 11-12 pounds. 

I've been debating whether I want to post before pictures yet... a part of me wants to save them until the end, if I'm actually successful, but another part of me knows that I'll push myself harder if I'm  publicly displaying my results.  Even though this idea terrifies me. 

Today I did the fit test, which is the first workout of the program.  It was very difficult, my heart was really pumping, I was breathing very heavily, and I discovered this is the only workout I've found so far that makes me feel the pure exhaustion that stair climbing does. 

Here are my fit test results, followed by my before pics (yikes!!!):

Wish me luck!  I'll be back again in 1 week!


  1. First off, your before pictures are not ew crazyfritterface!

    You are brave for posting all this....I wasn't going to say/post anything about it till the end. lol Stupid bum knee holding me back :(

    Good luck!
