
Insanity Day 21

It is the 21st day of Insanity, which means I am 1/3 of the way through the 9-week program.  I am still in the early stages, so I'm trying not to get discouraged by my [lack of] results, but it is tough to see few changes after working out 18 out of 21 days, and even adding extra workouts to some days.  It's disappointing that my weight is higher today than any other day this past week.  I had gotten down to 150.0 lbs and now I'm right back up to 153 again. Ugh.  I am hoping that with continued healthy eating and consistent exercise, I will see more results in the next 6 weeks.  I have to remind myself it's still early on in the program.

That said, I am feeling better, I have more endurance, and I'm finding my strength growing tremendously.  The other night, while watching a show, I decided to do 30 pushups every commercial break.  By the end of the show, I had done 150 pushups, and I'm talking full-on, "boy" pushups, parallel to the ground, 100% effort pushups.  That's something to be proud of.

Here are my stats and pictures.  If you look at the 1st and 21st day I *think* you can tell a difference in my stomach.

See ya next week.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I think endurance, energy, and strength far outweigh (haha) the number on the scale. Nobody can tell by being around someone how much they weigh, but they can hear someone having a hard time breathing or see someone not being about to keep up with the crowd. A lower weight is less of a "result" to keep track of in my opinion.
